How to Thicken Eyelashes with Latisse

We all want those irresistible long, thick, dark, fluttery lashes, don’t we? But, how do we achieve those dreamy lashes at home without breaking the bank and giving in to the fad of fake lashes that may damage our natural lashes in the long run? DIY and natural remedies are becoming more and more popular by the day. But are these alternative options any better than Latisse?

We are going to explore the natural DIY options for their effectiveness and compare them to Latisse as a growth serum in this blog:

Top 4 Natural Oils to Grow and Nurture Your Eyelashes

1. Castor Oil

castor oil

The main benefit of castor oil is that it moisturizes your eyelashes, which can prevent breakage,  potentially lead to healthier eyelash growth and it can make them appear thicker.

Generally, castor oil is safe, but because it is being applied so close to your eyes the danger is if the oil gets in your eye it might cause irritation and be incredibly painful. It is also recommended to test the oil, or any product, below your ear, before applying it near your eyelids. This is to check how the product may react with your skin type on an area that is not so sensitive.

Once it has been established safe to use, apply with a clean q-tip, carefully dabbing the oil along your lash line. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to definitively confirm that castor oil makes your eyelashes thicker, longer, or helps them to grow.

2. Olive Oil

The benefits of using olive oil on your eyelashes are that natural olive oil has a plentiful amount of essential fatty acids that act as emollients, which moisturize and soften the eyelashes. Instead of applying olive oil to your eyelid line, it is recommended to apply the oil directly to your eyelashes as that might be more effective.

Furthermore, another benefit of using olive oil is that it is relatively cheap and readily available. However, similar to castor oil, there is no scientific research done to prove olive oil leads to thicker, darker, or longer lashes.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another popular and safe option that many have found to moisturize and strengthen their lashes. This product has also received a lot of attention through the media for its role in a number of other health factors.

coconut oil

It is recommended to rub the coconut oil into your clean fingers until dissolved and then rub the product along your eyelashes. Claims for the use of coconut oil boast enhanced softness and strengthening properties.

Similar to Olive Oil it is cheap and easy to find, but like the other natural DIY remedies, coconut oil has not been proven to thicken, darken, or lengthen lashes like Latisse.

4. Vitamin E Oil

Admired by influencers and bloggers alike, vitamin E oil is another natural remedy that promotes stronger and moisturized eyelashes. While it is affordable and created to be used on skin and/or hair, it can also be ingested as a supplement or found in a number of food products.

Again, there is no scientific evidence proving this natural remedy will lead to hair growth and boost lash growth from the eyelash hair follicles. While these DIY options may seem like the best “natural” way to achieve your eyelash goals, and may not pose a threat to the bank account, there is not much scientific proof, if any, that their use will yield results. Therefore, it may be best to stick to a well-respected product.

Yours Truly: Latisse (FDA-Approved Eyelash Growth Serum)

Latisse lash serum is the first and only brand name prescription treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration (or the FDA) to treat hypotrichosis of the eyelashes. In short, hypotrichosis is having an inadequate amount of eyelashes leading to visible thinness. Therefore, Latisse lash serum became an immediate solution for people who were looking for a way to thicken, lengthen, or darken their eyelashes and boost lash growth.

Funnily enough, Latisse was actually discovered by accident. Bimatoprost 0.03%, the active ingredient or drug in Latisse was originally used to treat glaucoma. During testing, the patients that were part of the trial repeatedly commented on their lashes that were growing to be thicker, longer, and darker. Scientists could not help but also notice the positive results. And as you now know, the rest was history.

The manufacturer of Latisse, Allergan, recommends incorporating Latisse into your nighttime skincare routine. If you prefer to use Latisse in the morning, make sure the product is completely dry before putting in your contact lenses or applying makeup. To properly apply Latisse, apply the serum using the applicators provided in the sterile Latisse package. Make sure your contacts (if you happen to wear them) are out of your eyes, makeup has been removed and your face is completely clean before applying Latisse.

When are results visible from using Latisse over a period of time?

Following directions from Allergan, carefully place one drop of Latisse on the sterile applicator and brush along the base of the upper eyelash ONLY. While it is tempting to apply Latisse to the lower lash line, that area has not been tested or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. If there is any excess Latisse around your eyes or eyelashes, blot it with a tissue, q-tip, or cotton swab.

Although this serum is proven to produce phenomenal changes, unfortunately, results from Latisse do not happen overnight (now that really would be amazing!!). With proper, consistent use one time a day, every day, users tend to see an increase in thicker, longer, darker lashes in as little as one month. With complete results observed after sixteen consecutive weeks of using Latisse. Some lucky patients even begin to notice thicker and darker lashes at around week eight.

latisse 16-week period with results

To maintain your new thick, full, long eyelashes, you will need to continue using Latisse as part of your daily skin care routine. Continued use allows your lashes to sustain the supply of nutrients they need to appear longer, thicker and darker.  However, if you decide to stop using Latisse, your lashes will return to their previous length and thickness over several weeks and months. Therefore, ensuring that you always have a backup Latisse Lash Serum is always recommended!

Results & Outcome

We all strive for the perfect thicker, longer, and darker lashes. But if you are looking for an actual eyelash growth serum, Latisse is the one to use. After reviewing some of the DIY options on the market, it is clear that Latisse lash serum is by far the most effective. Our scientifically proven formula allows your lashes to be seen for their full potential. No wishy-washy claims, no old wives tales, just the facts. Latisse lash serum leads to fuller, longer and darker lashes. So what are you waiting for? Give your lashes the treatment they deserve and trust Latisse.

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