Hot girl summer is approaching and it’s crunch time to pull together our last-minute attempts to get that unrealistic summer bod we all strive for every year. Although our quick, usually short-lived, home workout routines have already been taken into effect, our new freshly toned legs are definitely something worth showing off.
There’s only one problem, even after all the blood, sweat, and tears we put into creating these beautifully toned legs, we can’t help but notice that dry, flakey skin we can’t seem to shake come summertime. No need to fret!
We are here to crack the code to get rid of that stubborn dry skin we all hate, so now that the focus can be on you and not the enemy!
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of dry skin on your legs can depend on the root of the cause. In general, dry skin on your legs can cause the following symptoms:
- Itching
- Redness
- Flakey or scaly skin
- Peeling
- Cracked skin
- Skin that feels tight after being in the water when bathing or swimming
- Fine lines
- Grey or ashy-looking skin
- Bleeding sores
- Crusty sores that ooze
What Causes Dry Skin?
Your skin becomes dry when it’s not able to keep enough water in the top layer by using the body’s natural oils. Your legs can become dry for a variety of reasons, ranging from environmental factors to medical conditions.
Here are some of the most common causes of dry skin:
- Allergic Dermatitis: Allergic dermatitis happens when the skin comes into contact with a substance that triggers the immune system to overreact. On the legs, this could be body wash, something from the outdoors, pets, or anything that causes an allergic reaction.
- Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that’s thought to be linked to genetics and triggered the immune system. It can cause the skin to be red, dry, itchy, or develop a rash.
- Psoriasis: Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes the skin to produce too many cells at once. The buildup creates itchy, scaly patches that can also crack and bleed. It’s very common to find this on patches of your knees.
- Weather Changes: Many people notice an increase in dry skin during certain times of the year, like when it gets cold outside. Lower humidity in the air can also increase the chances of the skin becoming dry.
- Harsh Products: Some soaps and cleansers can be very drying. That’s because they’re often designed to remove oils from your skin so it is very important to moisturize after using any kind of soap and/or cleanser.
- Age: As we get older, our skin produces less oil, making it easier to become dry. As we get older, putting on moisturizer is now more important than ever, and it even reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Medical Conditions: In some cases, dry skin can come from symptoms of another medical condition. which are ones that are commonly linked to dry skin on your legs
Tips to Soothe & Moisturize Legs Effectively
When our legs are soft and smooth, we feel confident that we can wear anything and do just about anything. Rough, dry, and even flaky skin make us often feel self-conscious even when we are feeling our very best, and it can be hard to take on the day when knowing that in the back of your head your legs may be mistaken for a shedding snake.
Dry skin on legs as we have learned can be caused by many factors including hot baths, showers, weather conditions, shaving, or anything that strips the skin of its natural moisturizers and oils. Here are four solutions for dealing with dry legs, with some tips on how to tackle the symptoms to get you back to feeling like your best, healthy self.
1. Exfoliate Dry, Flaky Skin on Legs

While it can be tempting to use exfoliating body brushes and granulated body scrubs to deal with dry, flaky skin, exfoliating too often can irritate the skin more. When you have dry skin on your legs, exfoliate no more than once a week. This frequency can help to remove dry, damaged skin cells from the surface without causing too much irritation on the skin.
2. How to Moisturize Dry Legs
First, it is important that you find a good rejuvenating moisturizer to help renew the dry skin. It is also important to use a gentle liquid body wash and avoid harsh soaps that strip the skin of moisture because they can make the already dry skin look even worse.
After bathing, make sure you pat your legs dry with a clean, soft cloth because rough towels may further remove natural oils, drying your legs out more. After bathing, it’s essential that you put on your moisturizer after your legs are gently dried so that moisture is thoroughly locked in and that the moisture is retained.
3. Shave Your Legs with a Moisturizing Gel
Shaving may be one of the most common causes of very dry skin on legs. Shaving your legs can remove natural oils that keep the skin soft and moisturized. Shaving also creates abrasions in the skin, which can lead to dryness. You can help replenish lost oils and moisture by using a moisturizing shaving foam or gel, rather than just shaving legs with water and regular soap. It’s also vital that you care for your legs after shaving to prevent them from drying out.
4. Soothe Dry, Itchy Legs

Itchy skin on the legs is often caused by dryness – moisturizing regularly can help combat dry skin and minimize resulting itchiness. Whether you’ve got itchy lower legs, itchy thighs, or your whole leg is itchy, a variety of factors can lead to dry, itchy skin on legs, so they need to be treated with special care, for example:
Chafing – Sweat can make the legs hot and clammy, causing the skin to rub and pull as you walk or move in certain ways. This can cause irritation, and result in dry, uncomfortable, skin between the legs. A good trick is to provide the skin with a protective barrier, like Vaseline Healing Jelly, to reduce friction and chafing between the legs when walking or exercising. This protective layer prevents sweat from seeping into the chafed skin and irritating it further.
Dry and itchy skin on legs can be uncomfortable, so it’s important to focus on finding quick, simple ways to moisturize and soothe the skin. It’s not just about treating dry legs, preventing the skin from drying out is also essential. Keeping up a good skin care regimen that involves moisturizing daily, exfoliating twice a week, and caring for your legs during and after shaving will help you to maintain soft, healthy legs in the long term
What are the ingredients to look for?
Moisturizers in the form of ointments, creams, and lotions are designed to help trap water in your skin. Applying moisturizer daily, particularly right after you bathe or get wet, can help reduce dry skin. Look for products that include one or more of the following ingredients:
- Petroleum
- Hyaluronic acid
- Ceramides
- Glycerin
- Antioxidants
- Aquaporins
- Plant butters and oils
- Salicylic acid
So what is the takeaway?

Dry and itchy legs can put a damper on any season and have the ability to lower anyone’s self-confidence. But fear not, even though at times dry legs can not be unavoidable, that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated.
With the right moisturizer, and in some cases a switch in some lifestyle choices, you may be able to get your skin back to normal giving you that sense of self-confidence back making you ready to take on the world.
If these tips and tricks listed in this article don’t seem to be working, we advise you to go see a qualified doctor or specialist so that they may further investigate the problem and provide an effective treatment plan for you.
Don’t let those home workouts go to waste, let’s get that self-confidence back because you deserve to be shown off!